
Vertical Farming is the Future

Sustainable agriculture is becoming increasingly vital as the world’s population grows and food demand rises. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), world food demand would rise by 70% by 2050. Traditional agriculture methods, on the other hand, are becoming less sustainable as a result of concerns such as water scarcity, soil degradation, and climate change. Vertical farming, on the other hand, is a promising technology with the potential to address many of these issues. In this article, we’ll look at how vertical farming is the future of agriculture and how HollandBioScience is paving the road for sustainable agriculture with new Agtech solutions.

What is Vertical Farming?

In vertical farming, crops are cultivated indoors in layers that are stacked, often in a controlled environment like a building, warehouse, or shipping container. Compared to conventional farming techniques, this form of agriculture has a number of advantages, including:

  • Space efficiency: Stacking crops in layers allows for far more food to be grown per square meter than traditional agricultural methods that require acres of land. As stated in a study conducted by the Columbia Climate School, vertical farming produces 80 percent more per unit of area while using 70 to 95 percent less water and over 90 percent less land than traditional agriculture.
  • Less water usage: Vertical farming alone has lesser need for water as stated above and with HollandBioScience products, you get up to 90% reduction in water usage — making it the more sustainable choice.
  • Safer & clean food: In comparison to traditional farming, vertical farming is sealed indoors which requires less need for the use of pesticides. With HollandBioScience’s products, there is 0% need for pesticides ensuring food that is completely chemical-free.
  • Increased productivity: Vertical farming eliminates the barriers set by climate change and weather conditions, enabling year-round crop production that results in 100% more productivity and fresher produce. 
  • Sustainable: Vertical farming is highly sustainable and HollandBioScience allows you to have cleaner systems with the use of products that are completely biodegradable.

Transforming The Last Mile of Harvest

The transfer of fresh food from farms to metropolitan areas is referred to as the last mile of harvest. This is an important stage in the food supply chain since it has a direct impact on the quality and freshness of the produce. Vertical farming addresses this issue by allowing fresh produce to be grown in urban areas, decreasing the need for transportation. HollandBioScience’s Agtech solutions enable this through the promotion of smart indoor and soilless cultivation via vertical farming. This enables for year-round agricultural production, reducing transportation costs and guaranteeing fresh produce is always available.

As the world’s population grows and traditional agriculture practices become less sustainable, vertical farming is emerging as a viable method that addresses many of modern agriculture’s difficulties. Vertical farming is a game changer in the agriculture business due to its space efficiency, lower water usage, safer and cleaner food, higher productivity, and sustainability. 

HollandBioScience is a pioneer in this industry, providing new Agtech solutions that enable sustainable agriculture. We also support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations — prioritizing good health & well-being, clean water & sanitation, responsible consumption & production, as well as climate action. Looking ahead, it is obvious that vertical farming will play an important role in ensuring food security and a sustainable future for our world.

Grow your yield while making a positive impact.

Move away from tradition and try vertical farming with HollandBioScience today!

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