
HollandBioProducts Empowers Sustainable Agriculture with Container Farms and IP-Sharing in Asia Pacific

HollandBioProducts, in collaboration with Eden Towers, is revolutionizing the farming industry with their groundbreaking initiative focused on profitable vertical farming. By establishing container farms across the Asia Pacific region, HollandBioProducts aims to provide low-cost entry, market access, and sustainable solutions to address the challenges of global food production. This visionary project showcases the power of disruptive models in the microfarm supply chain, led by the combined expertise of Eden Towers’ CEO Christina Prokscha and HollandBioProducts’ VP of Research and Development, Kees Kuijper.

Creating a ‘Vertical Farm in a Box’:

The partnership between Eden Towers and HollandBioProducts has resulted in the development of a ‘vertical farm in a box,’ where technology, inputs, and operations are packaged together at a super low entry cost. This innovative approach enables new farmers to embark on their farming journey with ease, ensuring that the socioeconomic conditions of each country are taken into account. The goal is ambitious yet attainable: to produce over 200 tonnes per year from these container farms while minimizing the environmental footprint.

Solving for Supply Security and Cost Efficiency:

Christina Prokscha emphasizes the critical nature of this project, stating, “We are addressing the related problems of security of supply in developing countries and high cost of production in developed countries. Our aim is to demonstrate that a disruptive model in the microfarm supply chain can be both effective and scalable.” The primary target of this initiative is Asia, where the combination of limited supply, large population, and complex logistics networks poses significant challenges for large-scale farms to achieve profitability. HollandBioProducts recognizes two valuable opportunities within the Asian market – farmer support and increased profitability.

IP Sharing Program:

To further enhance accessibility to the vertical farming market, HollandBioProducts and Eden Towers have established a knowledge and IP sharing program. This program dramatically reduces the entrance cost and aims to support low-income farmers in developing countries by providing them with cutting-edge patented technology, expanded market opportunities, and a clear path toward profitability. By leveraging the newly developed IP on growing methods and collaborating with partners in Holland, Australia, India, and Indonesia, the concept takes shape, promising a transformative impact on small-scale vertical farming.

Establishing Farms for Success:

“Our pre-seeded mats and plugs are high quality and provide farmers with a huge cost saving over manual seeding. The product is proven in developed markets and delivers high quality, high yield, and fast harvest cycles…” 

– Kees Kuijper (VP of Research and Development, HollandBioProducts)

The scheduled container farm concept (C.F.C.) across Asia will benefit from the extensive support provided by Eden Towers’ commercial scale facilities and HollandBioProducts’ global supply chain. High-quality vertical farming inputs are a vital component of this solution, with HollandBioProducts offering patented pre-seeded mats and plugs of exceptional quality. These pre-seeded mats and plugs not only ensure substantial cost savings (OpEX) compared to manual seeding but also deliver outstanding results in terms of yield, quality, and harvest cycles.

Join HollandBioProducts in shaping greener and more resilient food systems today!

Link to original article feature: https://www.verticalfarmdaily.com/article/9533470/50-microfarms-and-ip-sharing-program-across-the-asia-pacific/

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